*New* Faith & Life Sunday School Class

Just recently, FPC Belmont kicked off a new Sunday School class entitled, Faith & Life: a class designed to help those in their 20’s and 30’s explore practical applications of the Christian faith in everyday life.

As followers of Christ, it is essential that we don't just hear the Word, but live it out in our actions, relationships, and decisions. In the coming weeks, we will explore how Scripture speaks directly to the challenges and opportunities we face every day, from our work to our family lives, friendships, and beyond.

Join us on Sundays at 9:45 am in the Fellowship Hall as we begin this exciting journey of learning how our faith can shape our daily life. So that our young adults with children may enjoy a time of Christian fellowship, childcare will be available each week.


Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, March 5

We invite you to join us as we observe Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Season of Lent. We will gather for a meaningful service at 6:30 PM with a time of reflection and repentance with the Imposition of Ashes.

Before the service, come share in a Pancake Supper starting at 5:30 PM—a time of fellowship and delicious food to prepare our hearts for the journey ahead. Stay tuned to register for the supper.

We look forward to worshiping with you!


Senior Adults Trip to Sullenberger Aviation Museum

Friday, March 14 | 1:00 pm

The “Young at Heart” Senior Adults will gather for a trip to the Sullenberger Aviation Museum in Charlotte on Friday, March 14th! The Museum is home to popular “Miracle on the Hudson” exhibit, that features the place, Chelsey “Sully” Sullenberger, which safely landed in the New Yorks’s Hudson River in 2009.

The group will be traveling to the Museum by both car(s) and church bus, and will depart the church parking lot at 1:00 pm. The cost to attend is $15 per person. Please register and pay on Realm and contact Beth Geddis should you have any questions!


Community Lunch and Learn

Tuesday, March 18 | Noon

All are invited to join us for our Community Lunch and Learn (formerly Meet & Eat Lunch) as we welcome guest speaker, John Mills, Director of Social Services of Gaston County’s Salvation Army.

“The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.” The Salvation Army of Gastonia administers many programs and services designed to restore broken lives, to build healthy relationships, and to develop and encourage people of all ages.

In concordance with the Salvation Army’s motto of “Doing the Most Good,” Mr. Mills will speak to us about local homelessness prevention programs and other services that are available to our neighbors in need. Please make plans to come enjoy lunch and learn more about how we as a community can support this wonderful organization and their many vital programs.

RSVP online by Monday, March 18. You may also call our church office at 704-825-3357 to make your reservation. There is no charge for lunch, but donations are greatly appreciated.


Yoga for Parkinson’s

Held each Monday at 10:00 & 11:15 am

A gentle yoga class designed specifically for individuals living with Parkinson’s disease. Incorporating a daily yoga practice is especially beneficial for people living with Parkinson’s or other movement disorders.

Classes are held in the Multipurpose Room of FPC Belmont and are free of charge for program participants. Care partners are also welcome to participate.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Each week we depend on volunteers to “host” our weekly classes. Hosts are not responsible for instructing the class, rather, you only need to be present for the duration of the class. If you are interested in getting involved, please click the sign-up link below for more information and to reserve a time that works with your schedule. We thank you in advance for helping make this opportunity possible for those living with Parkinson’s.


High School & Middle School Mission Trip

June 15 - June 21, 2025

Spend a life-changing week with the Lakota people of the Rosebud Sioux Reservation in South Dakota, and you will truly never be the same! You’ll never forget the wild beauty of the land where the Sicangu Lakota, “Burnt-Thigh Nation,” live. The Rosebud Reservation is an exciting world of rolling grassy hills and deep, tree-lined creek bottoms—like the scenery you glimpsed in the movie Dances with Wolves. For centuries these prairies were ruled by the proud horse culture of the Sioux, who roamed and hunted buffalo from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains.

On this mission, students will demonstrate Jesus’ love and compassion in tangible ways, serving real people in need while working on projects like building wheelchair ramps and handrails, weatherizing homes and trailers, reconstructing sagging porches, significant painting projects, interior and exterior carpentry, and other home repair projects that the homeowner cannot otherwise complete.

Cost: $700

Sign-up deadline is February 28th. There are no refunds after May 15th. 


Middle School Mission Trip

July 20 - July 25, 2025

Calling all 6th through 8th grade students to come be a part of a memorable summer at “A Week of Hope" in Charleston, SC. Join us for a Jesus-centered week where students will make a lasting difference through meaningful community service. Registration is now open and more details can be found by clicking the link below.

Cost: $320 ($100.00 deposit)

Payments are non-refundable after May 15th.


GriefShare Support Group

Happening Now!

When a loved one dies, you can feel very alone. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Join our GriefShare support group where you will find a safe, comforting place to talk with others about your grief, while finding support, direction and guidance on how to make it through.

Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 pm
January 29 - April 23 (no class on March 5)
Group meets at FPC Belmont

Please register on the Grief Share website by clicking the button below. For questions, please contact our group leader, Daria Ragan.


Follow First Presbyterian Church Belmont on Social Media for all of the latest events.