Easter Lily Orders
Order Now Through April 6th
In celebration of Easter, you are invited to purchase lilies in memory or in honor of a loved one. The flowers will be used to decorate the Sanctuary on Easter morning, and will be available for pick up following the 11:00 Worship service.
The cost is $15 per memorial/honorarium and orders can be placed online via Realm or by filling out an order form (located in the Gathering Area) and dropping it off in the church office.
Youth Sunday
Sunday, March 30
In continuation of showing our support for the wonderful Youth Ministry of FPC Belmont, we encourage all who are able to join us for service at 8:30 or 11:00 am as our Middle School and High School students lead us in Worship. Please make every effort to be a part of these services and let our young people know how much we appreciate them and support them on their faith journey.
Community Lunch and Learn
Tuesday, April 1 | Noon
All are invited to join us for our Community Lunch and Learn as we welcome guest speaker, Chad Sakada, Area Director of Gaston County Young Life.
Young Life is a Christian ministry that reaches out to middle school, high school, and college students in all 50 of the United States and in more than 100 countries around the world. During the luncheon, our guest speaker will provide a brief overview of the ministries and programs offered through our local Young Life of Gaston County, as well as the special ministry of "YoungLives," which is a program that focuses on pursuing relationships with pregnant and parenting adolescents.
Please make plans to come enjoy lunch and learn more about how we as a community can support Gaston County Young Life and their many vital programs.
RSVP online by Monday, March 31. You may also call our church office at 704-825-3357 to make your reservation. There is no charge for lunch, but donations are greatly appreciated.
Spring Work Day
Saturday, April 5 | 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
We invite all who are able to please join us for a SPRING WORK DAY on Saturday, April 5th as we come together to beautify our church grounds this Spring.
We will be spending the morning spreading mulch and pine needles around the property, so please bring any essential tools such as hard rakes, gloves, and wheelbarrows.
We thank you in advance for your time and assistance, as "many hands make light work." Please RSVP below if you’re able to attend.
The Fourth Cross Production
Saturday, April 5
"Four crosses. Four men. One man is a murderer. Two are thieves. The fourth is a carpenter from Nazareth. Pilate shouts to the crowd and the stones echo back: "I will save one man and crucify the other! Whom do you choose?" And though the cry of the crowd that day set only one man free -- it saved us all. This is the story of The Fourth Cross."
Come join the FPC Senior Adults for a captivating performance of The Fourth Cross at NarroWay Productions in Fort Mill, SC. This Broadway-Style dinner show is an experience you don’t want to miss this Easter season.
Time: We will depart from the church at 11:00 am for a 12:00 pm showtime.
Cost: $40 per person
THIS EVENT IS LIMITED TO 20 TICKETS. REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT IS DUE BY THURSDAY, MARCH 6TH. We apologize for the short notice, however, we must have payment as soon as possible in order to reserve our group tickets.
Dinner Menu: Braised Angus Beef Roast with White Pepper Sauce, Fresh Roasted Vegetables, Couscous with Dried Cranberries, Mediterranean Herb Bread, Homemade Bread Pudding with Sour Cream & Raspberry Sauce, Ice Water with Lemon
Spring Family Service Saturday
Saturday, April 12 | 9:30-11:00 am
As we celebrate the resurrection of Christ this season, we remember His call to love and serve others. This Easter, we invite families to come together to serve, just as Jesus showed us through His love and compassion.
Join us on Saturday, April 12th, from 9:30-11:00 am for a "Spring Family Service Day" as we live out our faith and share the love of Christ with those around us.
Pre-K through 5th Grade students and their families will participate in various service projects, including a special shopping spree benefiting the BCO, and assisting at Holy Angels in Belmont.
More information and registration can be found by clicking the button below. For any questions, please contact Robin Russell.
The King of Kings Movie
Sunday, April 13 | 3:00 pm
Join us on Palm Sunday, April 13, as we celebrate the Easter season with a trip to see the movie, "The King of Kings.”
In The King of Kings, a father tells his son the greatest story ever told, and what begins as a bedtime tale becomes a life-changing journey. Through vivid imagination, the boy walks alongside Jesus, witnessing His miracles, facing His trials, and understanding His ultimate sacrifice. This movie invites us to rediscover the enduring power of hope, love, and redemption through the eyes of a child.
Families of all ages are invited to attend! Children in 3rd grade & older can attend without an adult. 2nd grade and younger must be accompanied by an adult.
The cost is $10.00 per person, and limited tickets are available. For more specific information regarding this event, please click the link below. For questions, please contact Robin Russell.
Community Lunch and Learn
Tuesday, April 15 | Noon
Please join us for a Community Lunch and Learn as we welcome guest speaker, Susannah Kavanaugh, Executive Director of Least of These Carolinas.
At no fault of their own, children affected by foster and kinship care have unmet holistic needs due to trauma and instability. Least of These Carolinas provides opportunities and resources that empower these children in order to develop a healthy sense of self-worth. During the luncheon, our guest speaker will discuss the various services and programs offered by Least of These, all of which are focused on education, awareness, and appreciation for the support network surrounding a child affected by foster or kinship care.
Please make plans to come enjoy lunch and learn more about how we as a community can support Least of These Carolinas and help further their mission of "Bridging the Gap in the Foster Care Community."
RSVP online by Monday, April 14. You may also call our church office at 704-825-3357 to make your reservation. There is no charge for lunch, but donations are greatly appreciated.
Live Cake Auction
Wednesday, April 16
Get ready to indulge your sweet tooth for a great cause! We invite you to join us at our upcoming Live Cake Auction, where delicious baked goods meet community spirit—all in support of our Youth Ministry!
Every cake sold helps provide funding for our youth as they embark on a transformative Mission Trip, taking place this Summer. Your generosity will empower them to serve communities in need, spread kindness, and create lasting memories.
The Cake Auction will take place during the scheduled Wednesday Night Supper and all are invited! In order to make this event a success, we are requesting donations of cakes that will then be auctioned to the highest bidder of the evening. If you would like to donate a baked good, please click the link below to register! Thank you in advance for your support!
Holy Week at FPC Belmont
Palm Sunday | April 13
Worship at 8:30 and 11:00 am
Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, marking the start of Holy Week and Jesus’ journey to the cross.
Maundy Thursday | April 17
Worship at 6:30 pm
Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples, highlighting the institution of Holy Communion and the command to love one another.
Good Friday | April 18
Stations of the Cross Walk at 12:00 noon
The Community Cross Walk is a time when brothers and sisters in Christ from the Belmont area join together to remember Christ’s journey to the cross. The walk will begin at Lutheran Church of the Holy Comforter and ends at First Presbyterian Church.
Easter Sunday | April 20
Community Sunrise Service
We will gather with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Greenwood Cemetery to celebrate the resurrection.Worship at 8:30 and 11:00 am
Join us for Worship as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and victory over sin and death!
Feed the Children - Spring 2025
April 18, April 21-25
Come volunteer with our Feed the Children program as we prepare, assemble, and deliver warm, nutritious meals to local children in need. The children we serve are those who are on free or reduced lunch programs, and may be without food during their Spring Break from school.
Volunteer opportunities are available for both children and adults, with slots that only require approximately 1.5 hours of your time. Please consider being a part of this wonderful ministry as strive to make a difference to these families in need. Click the button below to sign up.
Youth Adventure Day
Saturday, May 3
Join Middle School and High School youth groups from across the Presbytery of WNC for a day filled with recreation, adventure, lake fun, and worship at Camp Grier in Old Fort, North Carolina.
Students should bring their own lunch, as dinner will be provided. Bathing suit and towel is going to be needed if students want to swim.
We will depart from our church at 8:30 AM and return to the church around 8:00 PM. Please RSVP by April 27th by clicking the button below. Should you have any questions, please contact Lee Wooden.
Vacation Bible School 2025!
June 9 - June 12
Join us this Summer as we take a deep dive into an amazing, undersea adventure where kids will experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God.
At Scuba VBS, kids will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about! Registration is now open, so make plans now to spend the week with us and dive into friendship with God!
Monday, June 9 - Thursday, June 12
9:00 am - 12:00 noon
For All Rising First through Sixth Grades
Volunteers Needed! If you are interested in helping make this Summer’s VBS as success, while ministering to the wonderful children of our church and community, please consider volunteering with us!
High School & College Mission Trip
June 15 - June 20, 2025
Spend a life-changing week with us at “Week of Hope” in Nashville, TN where students will have the opportunity to serve with local ministries through meaningful Community Service Projects.
Throughout this Mission Trip, students will learn Christ-like empathy and compassion for others as they meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of disadvantaged children, youth, and adults. As students serve, they’ll develop friendships with the people they serve, with other teams, with their own youth group, and, most importantly, with Jesus.
Cost: $260 per person
If you are interested in more information and being a part of this life-changing week, we invite you to take a moment to click the link below and read more! Questions can be directed to Lee Wooden at
Middle School Mission Trip
July 20 - July 25, 2025
Calling all 6th through 8th grade students to come be a part of a memorable summer at “A Week of Hope" in Charleston, SC. Join us for a Jesus-centered week where students will make a lasting difference through meaningful community service. Registration is now open and more details can be found by clicking the link below.
Cost: $320 ($100.00 deposit)
Payments are non-refundable after May 15th.
Yoga for Parkinson’s
Held each Monday at 10:00 & 11:15 am
A gentle yoga class designed specifically for individuals living with Parkinson’s disease. Incorporating a daily yoga practice is especially beneficial for people living with Parkinson’s or other movement disorders.
Classes are held in the Multipurpose Room of FPC Belmont and are free of charge for program participants. Care partners are also welcome to participate.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Each week we depend on volunteers to “host” our weekly classes. Hosts are not responsible for instructing the class, rather, you only need to be present for the duration of the class. If you are interested in getting involved, please click the sign-up link below for more information and to reserve a time that works with your schedule. We thank you in advance for helping make this opportunity possible for those living with Parkinson’s.
GriefShare Support Group
Happening Now!
When a loved one dies, you can feel very alone. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Join our GriefShare support group where you will find a safe, comforting place to talk with others about your grief, while finding support, direction and guidance on how to make it through.
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 pm
January 29 - April 23 (no class on March 5)
Group meets at FPC Belmont
Please register on the Grief Share website by clicking the button below. For questions, please contact our group leader, Daria Ragan.
Follow First Presbyterian Church Belmont on Social Media for all of the latest events.